
Tonsillectomy ENT Surgery Sydney

What is a tonsillectomy?

A tonsillectomy is a common operation which involves removing a patient’s tonsils whilst they are under a general anaesthetic. 

What does tonsillectomy surgery involve?

Before the Surgery:

  • Blood thinners; Please notify your surgeon if you are currently taking any blood thinning medication (anticoagulants/antiplatelets), vitamins or herbal supplements. These medications will need to be ceased prior to your surgery.

  • Fasting; To ensure the anaesthetic is as safe as possible, patient are required to fast (both solids & liquids) for at least 6 hours before their operation. The fasting times will be confirmed the day before the procedure. 

The Surgery:

  • Once asleep, the tonsils are removed through the mouth of the patient using specialised instruments that both dissect out the tonsil and control bleeding at the same time. Local anaesthetic is used at the end of the case to help control pain after the patient wakes up.

After the Surgery:

  • When you wake up; Patients will wake up in the recovery room and are often still drowsy from the anaesthesia. It will take several hours for the medication effects to wear off. A canula will be used to provide pain relief and fluids whilst you are still recovering.

  • Diet; Patients are encouraged to eat and drink as soon as possible. Often it easier for patients to have a soft, cool diet. Maintaining good oral intake is important for the recovery of this operation. 

  • Pain relief; Post-operative pain is common and can often be severe. A pain plan, including pain relief, is provided to the patient prior to discharge from hospital. The post-operative pain experience is different for every patient but typically the pain is at its worst at days 5-10 after the operation.   Regular pain relief medication, good hydration and rest are key to managing the pain during this time

  • Bleeding; A post-operative bleed can occur during the recovery from this procedure. The risk of bleeding is approximately 4%.  Although the risk of a bleed is low, urgent medical attention is required if it occurs. A bleeding plan will be provided to the patient prior to their discharge from hospital

How long is the recovery after a tonsillectomy?

14-21 days